GOAL: Carbon Neutrality
Goal Update
Baseline 2022: 51 MtCO2e
2023: 59 MtCO2e
All measurements in thousand metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalent
Verdis Group began comprehensive GHG accounting in 2022. Before 2022, we were only tracking Scope 1 & 2 emissions. Since we began to calculate emissions more fully, Scope 3 Procurement has made up the majority of emissions.
The main reason emissions increased between 2022 and 2023 is that Verdis Group has acquired more employees and space. Regardless, efforts to reduce our emissions continue to be implemented.
Why Carbon Neutral and not Net Zero?
Verdis Group is a small company with few physical assets, and we produce very few emissions. With the low level emissions we are currently generating, there is limited opportunity for us to further reduce this footprint. Net Zero is a framework designed to drive effective decarbonization for more significant emitters. It’s not quite designed for a company like us, and for that reason we aim for carbon neutrality rather than net-zero emissions.
2023 Emission Composition
Total: 59 MtCO2e
Natural Gas: 2.3 MtCO2e
Electricity: 8.5 MtCO2e
Procurement: 32.0 MtCO2e
Employee Commute: 7.3 MtCO2e
Business Travel: 8.7 MtCO2e
Efforts by Emissions Category
In addition to purchasing Renewable Energy Credits (RECs), Verdis Group’s headquarters is located in a building that uses rooftop solar panels to help reduce our emissions.
Current: We strive only to choose eco-friendly suppliers, and we reduce waste by staggering purchases and opting for bulk orders. We identify and avoid unnecessary spending.
Goal: Further research into suppliers’ practices (working conditions and environmental and social responsibility) with the goal of limiting company purchases to only those with high corporate social responsibility.
Business Travel
Current: When it comes to business travel, our best practice is to limit in-person trips whenever possible and to encourage virtual meetings and workshop facilitation. Acknowledging that sometimes it is best to meet in person, we aim to book only non-stop flights and choose economy class. Moreover, once on the ground, we strongly support the use of public transportation.
Goal: Continue the focus on limiting travel, especially when flights are required. Expand existing practices to have team members limit luggage to carry-on, choose only eco-friendly hotels, opt out of nightly housekeeping, eat local, and limit food waste.
Employee Commute
Current: Promoting active modes of transportation has long been a pillar of our organization. Our employee benefits package includes public transit and Emergency Ride Home reimbursement, an annual reimbursement of up to $300 for expenses related to active commuting (e.g., bike maintenance, walking shoes, backpacks, etc.), and a continued partnership with Heartland Bike Share. We also support those who work from home and offer flexible schedules to help reduce needless trips to the office.
Goal: To further our progress, we will continue to survey our team’s commuting practices, develop an awareness campaign, and showcase commuters’ stories and their positive impacts on our communities. Likewise, as we grow, we will implement carpooling programs and foster walking and biking groups.